About Father Tim

Greetings from South Florida and welcome to Clergy Confidential! I hope you'll find this a source of inspiration, laughter, and delight in the Lord.

I first started blogging in 2007 under the name Clergy Family Confidential. Really, the subhead said it all: "Finding God in Domestic Chaos." I changed the title to Clergy Confidential in May 2014. Over the years the blogging has ebbed and flowed (does anyone still even blog anymore?). But every so often I still have thoughts to share.

I’m an Episcopal priest, author, and rector of the the Episcopal Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea in Palm Beach, Florida. Ordained in 2000, I've also served parishes in Maryland, New York, and Massachusetts. I'm also the creator of Lent Madness, the wildly popular online Lenten devotion

I've written six books over the years, full of faith and humor, the most recent being Devotions For People People Who Don't Do Devotions (Forward Movement). 

I never post sermons here, though if you're interested I house them at @FatherTim Sermon Vault. Mostly this is for my own cataloguing purposes but you can still subscribe by e-mail.

I live in the Bethesda Rectory with my wife Bryna and a bunch of rescue dogs. We have two boys in their mid-20s who love visiting us in the winter. We think it's to see us and not just to enjoy the weather. But aren't really sure.




Lady Mary said...

Oh my, Fr. Tim!!! You ARE a busy body..
a funny fellow....an awesome author...
I'll try to tag along in cyberspace.
mary gee

GB Henderson said...

Wish I'd met you 60 years ago. I enjoy your remarks and style.

RockTheWrinkle.com said...

Love this! Thanks for the laughter and inspiration! I'll be a regular reader for sure.

Unknown said...

Dear Father Tim:

This seems so informal since we have never met. However, it is a little more private than the other ways to send a message.

Are you the author of "Forallsaints"? I used to read it daily and enjoyed learning about saints posted for their days. The last Saint? was Samuel Seabury. There has been no one since. I do hope this not a permanent choice, not to write about a saint a day. You (they) have at least one fan.

Sincerely, Margaret Bookwalter

Unknown said...

My wife is an avid, not to say rabid, follower of Lent Madness. We're both members of the Society of the Companions of the Holy Cross, the group of which Vida Dutton Scudder was an important, early member. For a recent meeting, my wife wrote a skit about Vida causing trouble because she was so pissed off at losing to Constance. It was hilarious.