With Monday’s events we have collectively hit the dreaded wall. Unspeakable violence has been visited upon the purest of human pursuits with three dead, 150 injured, and the innocence of an iconic event forever altered. The images of destruction amid what would normally be a scene of unmitigated joy and triumph are seared into our minds as shouts of encouragement morphed into screams of terror.
I have no doubt that the city of Boston, all of New England, and our entire nation will push through the wall. Like the runners themselves, we are a resilient people. Unlike the elite runners, we may not win any races but we never give up in the face of adversity. We muddle through, placing one foot in front of the other. We keep moving forward partly because we have no choice but also because we believe in running with perseverance the race that is set before us.
As we continue to wade through the carnage and seek answers, I find it helpful to focus on the stories of heroism and selflessness that abound. So many have reached out their hands in love and compassion both in the immediate aftermath and in the intervening hours and days. In this Easter season, I see these acts as glimpses of resurrection glory amid the despair. As Jesus conquered death and the grave on that first Easter Day, he continues to do just that in our own lives even in the face of tragedy.
As people of faith our first response is always prayer. On Monday evening, as we held an impromptu prayer service at St. John’s, we closed with the following prayer. As you continue to pray for the victims, their families, first responders, medical personnel, and those affected by these horrific events, I encourage you to reflect upon it.
Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work, or watch, or weep this night, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend the sick, Lord Christ; give rest to the weary, bless the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted, shield the joyous; and all for your love's sake. Amen.
As a risk manager I was on calls last night and since 5:30 this morning, trying to help the 20,000 or so employees of Iron Mountain through their reactions to yesterday’s tragic events, and go about their day as safely as possible. As a deacon, I couldn’t help but reflect on it all in a slightly different light fashion. I thought of the lesson from Acts that will be read this Sunday, the story of Peter’s raising Tabitha (Dorcas) from the dead.
Dorcas wasn’t powerful, she was a widow in a time when widows were generally either destitute or totally dependent on family. She was a disciple, a rare thing for Scripture to call a woman. She was a business woman(!), and not a church leader like Stephen, but she accomplished much of the same mission in feeding the hungry and taking care of the poor. In many respects, she was the church we see today: believers who do what they can with what they have. And while her death was a loss to the church, it was more to her community.
Tabitha was raised up by Peter – by the one entrusted with the keys to the church - so in a sense it was the church that resurrected Tabitha. I find solace in the first story of one raised from the dead after Easter being a story of the church acting for a community. And in that same way perhaps, it will be we as the church who now pray for the resurrection of those who died today. It will be upon us to pray as Peter prayed, and help to heal and resurrect our communities.
Thanks, Geof, for this response and for your continuing ministry.
well said !!
Beautifully said, Tim and Peter.
And of course I meant Geof.
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