May 22, 2012

Cocktails with the Clergy?

In a recent post, I mentioned the clergy-drinking-coffee-with-parishioners-phenomenon that seems to be sweeping the world. We have gatherings like "Coffee with the Rector" (that's what I do) or "Coffee with the Pastor" if you're either a Lutheran or an evangelical or an incredibly Low Church (bordering on Methodist) Anglican.

This led to some additional musings on my Facebook page that I'll share here. Plus I've added some others to the list. If you have ideas, keep 'em coming. Together we'll get the clergy bloated!
Rum with the Rector (Tom Sramek)

Vodka with the Vicar (Virginia Creek Tippen)

Bourbon with the Bishop (Claire Rodman)

Appletinis with the Archdeacon (Claire Rodman)

Champagne with the Curate (Claire Rodman)

Liquor with the Lector (Don Kenyon)

Vino with the Verger (Tom Daley)

Port with the Pastor (Janice Landrum)

I'm not sure how this all became alcohol-infused. Not every priest breaks into the sacristy to drink communion wine mid-morning. If this keeps up we may need to add AA with the Acolyte. Nonetheless, I'll continue along these lines as long as you recognize that I didn't start us down this path.
Cosmopolitans with the Canon

Manhattans with the Monsignor

Sidecars with the Suffragan

Daiquiris with the Deacon

Screwdrivers with the Sub-Deacon

Absinthe with the Acolyte

Patrone with the Priest

Hurricanes with the Heretic

Mai-Tais with the Minister

Pina Coladas with the Primate

Mojitos with the Monk

Cocktails with the Coadjutor

Alcohol with the Archbishop

Sex on the Beach with the Sexton

Old Fashioneds with the Organist

Wine Coolers with the Wardens

Good luck finding anything to go with Intercessor (all I could come up with was "insulin") or Theologian ("therapy?"). And at this point I think it might be time for Detox with the Deacon or Rehab with the Rector.


Sister Mary Winifred said...

Tequila with the Theologian
Irish Coffee with the Intercessor

janice said...

Screwdrivers should be with the Sexton!

Meredith Gould said...

And then, it's off to AA with the acolyte.

Vicki Starr said...

I vote for Vin Santo with the Vicar! (vin santo, a fortified wine like port, is actually what we used for communion wine in our parish in Rome [St.Paul's Within-the-Walls])

Sarah Brockmann said...

Shoot, however you do it, party with the preacher!

Elizabeth said...

Ok. I think I'm up to the challenge: Absinthe with the Intercessor, or if you enjoy Okinawan sake, Awamori with the Intercessor. (I just returned from a trip there. Some awamori is incredibly smooth.)

Elizabeth said...

P.S. Melonballs with the Music Director.

Dave clinton said...

Pim's Cup with the Priest.

Strategic Monk said...

I am thinking of something more along the lines of a Craft Brewery Pilgrimage with the Strategic Monk.

Judith Crossett said...

how about Drambuie with the Deacon?
(daiquiris are lost on me, sorry)

Elizabeth said...

Camparis & Collects, or Nips in the Narthex

Mary W. Cox said...

Mimosas with the Missioners