Jan 25, 2014

Annual Meeting Marketing Makeover

Joseph_Ducreux_-_Self-Portrait_YawningThis time of year many parishes hold their Annual Meetings. I love taking a step back and reflecting on the year that is past, something tough to do in the midst of ministry. Though preparing for the Annual Meeting is something else -- I swear I spend more time getting ready for Annual Meeting Sunday than any other Sunday of the year. Including Easter. Unfortunately among clergy, I'm not alone in this which may mean some priorities need tweaking.

Nonetheless, you'll hear a lot of grumbling about the Annual Meeting as a necessary canonical evil. The rector gives the state-of-the-parish address, the budget gets presented, vestry members get elected, and a lot of people quickly leave before the meeting starts. It's the one Sunday many people take the Dismissal literally and mutter "thanks be to God" as they sneak out the side entrance.

Most Annual Meetings are anxiety producing for clergy and boring for parishioners -- at least that's the common perception. But I think we can change that -- the Annual Meeting simply needs a marketing makeover. Here are just a few suggestions for drumming up attendance. I'd give you more but I need to get back to preparing for the one I'm running tomorrow morning.
850_1340117746and Annual Meeting

lets-get-ready-to-rumble-1Come see parish cranks take pot shots at the leadership!

colic_survival_guideFussy Baby Can't Sleep?    

Bring your infant to the Budget Presentation and he/she will be out in seconds.

objection court out of order lawyer attorney objectCome put your arcane knowledge of Robert's Rules to the test by calling for a recount after the vestry elections.

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