Jul 7, 2016

Miranda Rights for White People

In the wake of...

more violence and death,
more anger and frustration,
more senseless killing, 
more shattered lives, 
more 'thoughts and prayers,'
more divisiveness...

Miranda Rights for White People

You have the right to remain silent.

You have the right to wait out the news cycle.

You have the right to maintain the status quo.
You have the right to temporarily change your profile picture on Facebook.

You have the right to keep those affected in your “thoughts and prayers.”

You have the right to support social justice issues from the comfort of your temperature-controlled living room.

You have the right to wear a colored ribbon in solidarity with the suffering.

You have the right not to sacrifice any of your personal privilege and still feel good about yourself.

You have the right to be let go with a warning.

You have the right to open carry a gun without being shot.

You have the right to wear a hoodie at night.

You have the right to interpret the Constitution to your advantage.

You have the right to think the Civil Rights Movement is over.

You have the right to a well-paid, three-piece suit-wearing attorney who will get you a slap on the wrist and a knowing nod from a judge who understands “youthful indiscretion.”

If you cannot afford an attorney… hahahaha, yeah right.

Do you understand your rights?


caralulu said...


Envision a world where everything is reversed. You are sitting next to your beloved in a routine traffic stop.... Imagine not being privileged for a moment here and now..

Unknown said...

I like!

Unknown said...

Amen, Timothy.

Brigid said...

Thanks Fr. Tim, well said

Unknown said...
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